Icha Gresty Br Ginting (14)
Practice 1 ( Page 15)
Picture 1
The Caption is A nurse takes a swab sample from a patient at the Tanah Abang district office in Central Jakarta on June 21. Swab tests, also called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, use mucus samples taken from the nose or throat to detect COVID-19. (JP/P.J.Leo).
Picture 2
The Caption is Wearing a hazmat suit, a member of a Transjakarta community holds up a sign with updated data in the number of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta to raise awareness on health protocols within the Harmoni bus shelter in Jakarta on July 17. (JP/Dhoni Setiawan).
PART D ( Page 17)
The Caption from the pictures is Local residents held various competitions in the context of celebrating Indonesian independence. One of the competitions is tug of war. this race requires about 5-8 people per team. The atmosphere of the competition must be very fun and enthusiastic residents, for example, residents are compact wearing red clothes. The competition will be held on August 17th.
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