Icha Gresty br Ginting (14)


UH 3


Explanation Text is a text that is used to explain the way or process of something happening, especially those related to natural phenomena, the scientific world or the socio-cultural world. Explanation text usually comes from questions related to why and how to an existing phenomenon.

Here's the structure of the explanation text 

• General Statement, In the general statement contains a general explanation of
phenomenon to be discussed, can be an introduction to the phenomenon or
the explanation.

• Sequenced Explanation, contains explanations
the process of why these phenomena can occur or are created. Sequenced explanations
in the form of answers to the questions why and how the author when making an explanation
text. Sequenced explanations can consist of more than one paragraph.

• Closing or Concluding Statement, Actually closing is not listed
in the generic structure of explanation text, but most people assume that
the last paragraph of an explanation text is closing, even though it is
the part of sequenced explanations that contains the final steps described in
sequenced explanations section.
